Ali is 4 1/2 years old. She loves preschool and is looking forward to going to Kindergarten in the fall. She is full of attitude and personality. She loves playing outside riding her bikes and finding rocks. She is pretty "girlie" but enjoys playing with the many neighbor boys. She loves her brother more than anything and their bond is very special. She loves to be a part of his bed time routine and loves telling him "goodnight" and giving him "kissies".
Sunday, July 20, 2008
{About Ali}
Ali is 4 1/2 years old. She loves preschool and is looking forward to going to Kindergarten in the fall. She is full of attitude and personality. She loves playing outside riding her bikes and finding rocks. She is pretty "girlie" but enjoys playing with the many neighbor boys. She loves her brother more than anything and their bond is very special. She loves to be a part of his bed time routine and loves telling him "goodnight" and giving him "kissies".