Sunday, July 6, 2008

{How we feel about open adoption?}

Nic and His Birthmom

We look forward to making you a part of our family as well. We feel that an open adoption is healthy for all people involved. We would love nothing more then for your child to be raised knowing of the strength and courage that his or her birthparents have. There will never be a time that your baby will not know of you or that he or she is adopted.

Our second child, Nicholas, joined us through the miracle of adoption. We are so grateful to his birthmother and the sacrifice that she made. After watching his birth and being there to witness his placement gave us so much appreciation for all that his birthmother did. We have a great relationship with his birth mom, who lives close by, so we are able to see her frequently.  We want to raise Nic so that he always knows that he is adopted and how special it is. We often read him the letter his birth mom wrote as a bed time story.

We would love to exchange pictures,emails, and letters with you so that you will always know how we are doing. We are willing to share as little or as much information that you would like with them. We would like to talk about what is comfortable for all involved.