Sunday, July 6, 2008

{How We Met}

After high school Lacey traveled south to go to college. She started her freshman year and loved it. She thought she could do the college thing for a long time. In January, Sam returned home from serving for his church. He looked forward to starting school the next semester. Lacey and her roomates decided to head off to San Diego for Spring Break to catch some rays and enjoy some shopping. While they were shopping in a mall a group of guys approched them. One of them asked Lacey "if she went to school in St. George?" She said "yes" he said "you sit in front of me in English" to her surprise she never had noticed him. (no this guy was not Sam) They decided to switch numbers and hang out later in San Diego. They both found that they weren't many single people with the same intrests in San Diego during Spring Break. ;) They ended up meeting up later and hanging out a lot of the time they stayed in San Diego. When they got back to St. George they continued to stay friends and happened to bring along one of their friends named Sam. The rest is history;)